While there is no official pace chart for the HOPE course a good rule of thumb is to turn in at least one assignment each week.  You can always turn in more, but at least one per week is the best.  If you turn in one assignment each week it should take no longer than 2-4 hours per week to work on the course and you will finish one topic in 3-4 weeks.  This means it would take no longer than 16 weeks to compelte each segment of HOPE.  Set aside a time each day to work or one day a week.  The sooner you complete assignments and topics, the sooner you will complete the course.  
             I have created three different pace charts for each segment.  I recommend printing out the chart that you need and using it to help you keep track of your assignments turned in.  Remember that an assignment is not complete until you have received the grade that you are satisfied with.

Follow these words of wisdom and you will complete the course in no time at all.

Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.  ~William James

If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it.  ~Olin Miller

The best way to get something done is to begin.  ~Author Unknown

Pace Chart Options